You can read about the progression of a person on the Whole30 here: Day 6 was rough for me and it's basically just stayed rough.
I tried doing a Whole30 in October and quit on day 6. This time I prepared myself for about 3 weeks before starting. I cut my sugars a lot and I planned a variety of dinners and lunches so I wouldn't get bored and subject my family to endless pots of broccoli and lettuce salad with lemon juice. Can you guess what happened? I HATE EVERYTHING I HAVE TRIED.
Last night I spent an hour making a new meatloaf recipe, french fries, and salad. The meatloaf had normal-sounding ingredients in it that I enjoy in other foods, so it's not like I was chasing a real wild card or anything. After my first bite, I just spit it out and went out to get us dinner (no, I will not tell you what we ate). After eating second dinner, there were only 20 minutes until Emily's bed time and I had not played with her at all. Luis spent the evening wrangling her and we let her unpack baskets and boxes and basically tear up the entire first floor. Once I sat down to play, she bit me and had to go into timeout. So to recap that is
- an entire wasted meal
- a cheat meal + the cost of this meal
- an evening NOT spent with my family
- an insanely messy house
- toddler time out (generally consists of me holding her into place for 60 seconds)
So I texted my cousins, who are doing this with me. Are you ready for their reactions?
These two are awesome and encouraging and I love doing this with them.
Feel free to confront me if I talk about doing this again.